March 14, 2010

  • Sitting here at work, not doing much.  The phones are quiet.  Radio's on, so I can't do much reading---I'm one of those that needs it quiet.  Usually. 
    What I'm *kinda* in the middle of doing is writing up my midterm for my Legal Aspects class, putting it in my notes that I can use for my final.  Then I'll actually need to read the rest of the chapters tonight and tomorrow.  One of my class friends is coming over so that we can do a bit of studying for our final on Wednesday night.  Should be interesting.  She'll be bringing her daughter, who happens to be deaf.  She's around the same age as my oldest, who doesn't know ANY sign language. 

    Lucky for us, the Wii will be the language for all. 

    Yesterday was my oldest son's birthday, I can't believe that he's 8!  Where has the time gone?  We started the day out with a treasure hunt for him.  At the end, he got a new game for the Wii--New Super Mario Brothers.  He's been pretty much playing it non-stop.  We had a kids, 'boys' party for him around 11---"Playing, Pizza, Pinata, & Prizes".  The boys had fun--pizza, pinata, make-your-own-sundae.  5 boys from school, his brother, and the next door neighbor boy.  8 boys. 
    In the afternoon, we had family come over--pretty low key, though.  We had the cake (really, it was brownies), then gifts.  Birthday Boy hasn't been feeling all that great (along with his Mommy)--tired, mostly.  It started the night before, and I was pretty nervous that we could be getting what his little brother had the week before.  His thing was being really tired, and then throwing up, three days in a row.  After the first episode, we had him carry a bucket with him.  Good thing since all three throw up episodes happened around the same time each day. 

    Ok, off I go.  Time to finish typing up this midterm test.  I've got a long way to go since I'm only on number 6.


Comments (5)

  • Hope that bug doesn't get you!

    Good luck on the mid-term!

  • @DawneElla - Thank you!  It's actually my final for my class--since we're allowed to take notes, I'm typing up the midterm with the correct answers, and will use that as part of my notes.  Done with most of it by now.    Now I just need to read the chapters!

  • well get reading then! Just kidding...hope it all goes very well, I admire you for doing this schooling at this point...what is it your taking?

  • Eight.   Sheesh.  That's ten years from 18, you know.  I have a theory that life is like a roll of toilet paper.   The closer you get to the end, the faster it rolls away.

  • @DawneElla - I'm going for Phlebotomy (you know those people at the doctors offices that take your blood?  Yeah, someday, I'll be one of them), though someday, I want to actually graduate from community college with my AA.  Just to be able to say that I did it.  At least I'd have that out of my way just in case I want to pursue an actual degree someday. 

    @feedwaterclean - I KNOW!  He's at the perfect age now...getting more independent, but still needs his Mommy. 

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